Thank you for writing this, because I can see myself reacting in the same way you did. However, reading it in a story like this, from an outside perspective, I realize how utterly inappropriate it was for her to ask you to do that, and (no offense- because again, I would have probably done the same as you) how utterly ridiculous it would be for me to acquiesce.
I realize I have people-pleasing tendencies, and I hope you can look at this and see that someone took advantage of your kindness. Again, I am not being critical– I sincerely think I would have reacted the same way– but I noticed that you didn't at any point look back and say, "Yeah, I shouldn't have done that. I need stronger boundaries." I think that might be worth examining, because when I saw myself in your story, I realized that yeah, I really do need stronger boundaries! Because I totally would have acted the same way!
Thanks so much for sharing this.