THANK YOU! I'm really struggling with setting limits for my kids. For me the struggle is a combination of things.
1. I work from home and homeschool my 9-year-old. We have about 3 hours of hands-on homeschooling time together in the mornings, but then she needs to go entertain herself so I can work. She has specific things to do during that time, but they only take about an hour and a half. After that (and sometimes before) she sneaks a screen. And I let her. Because at least she's quiet.
I think from now on I'm just going to take it away after she completes the things that require screen time.
2. My older kids are in public school and by the time they get home from after school activities (cross country, field hockey, robotics) I know they're worn out, and all they want to do is veg. I don't blame them! I feel guilty taking away the phone. But I know I need to.
Okay, just typing all that out has given me new resolve to set firmer limits. Thank you.