And if you don't have money but you still want to give back, donate your TIME! Food banks are almost always in need of more volunteers to help sort, do paperwork, etc. My local food bank even lets kids come help, so we make it a family affair, and it's a great way for me to teach my kids compassion and to look outward.
In the summers we often go help pack food for the kids' lunch programs, and it warms my heart to see my kids say things like, "Ew, these crackers are gross, I'm not giving them to this kid. They'd like Cheez-Its way more." Sometimes they'll even run up to me to show me what they picked out for a particular bag and why. "Look! I put in the circle crackers because they're my favorite, and I put in peanut butter so they can make a cracker peanut butter sandwich since that's my favorite!" :-)
Serving alongside my kids reminds me what it really means to have empathy and think of others, and I think that's exactly what you're getting at in this article. The Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have others do unto you (and don't give them your expired crap).